วันอาทิตย์ที่ 9 มิถุนายน พ.ศ. 2556

Live for the moment.

Just finished another shoot, so tired! #selfiesaturday...

Just finished another shoot, so tired! #selfiesaturday #timetoeat #eastbaychillin #lovingthisniceassweather #fuckhotasssaunafeelinweakshitsacramentoes


You and your bf should make couples advice vlogs talking about real life situations and problems

Hmm we actually thought about that already, I guess when we have time we'll try and do it :)

Sacs Filipino festival was so damn weak so we left disappointed...

Sacs Filipino festival was so damn weak so we left disappointed and decided to just go to this Filipino place to satisfy our cravings.. Plus these delicious golden nuggets of heaven aka senorita bread. #filipinofestival #goldenchopstix #theyonlyletfilipinosinandlockeveryoneelseout #literally #senoritabread #adobo #sisig #karekare #yummyinmytummy

#gingerelizabeth #macarons to satisfy my cravings :) thanks...

#gingerelizabeth #macarons to satisfy my cravings :) thanks @jmarpresents

i think you and your bf is the cutest together because you model and he can do shoots for you. you two are like a hardworking couple and i wish the best for the both of you. when is the next shoot you two are going to do btw i love the popeyes video lol

Aww thank you lovely :) well I haven't been doing shoots lately cause I been taking a break but hopefully I'll get back on it soon..and omg that popeyes video was just random fun but glad you liked it!

Anyone that's been around lately knows that we have been...

Anyone that's been around lately knows that we have been having a rough past couple of days.. We decided to have a night out to ourselves tonight to relieve some stress and say hello to a fresh start..as I'm getting ready to head out, this guy says he needs to go to the bank and then when he calls me tells me he's outside and to answer the door where he's holding these damn memorial day flowers lmaaoo..i was like wassup with the flag though haha and I guess he didn't even notice but oh well it's the thought that counts :) thank you @jmarpresents for everything, for putting up with me, for never leaving my side no matter how hard I get to handle, for everything you've done to keep US together.. Without your never ending commitment we wouldn't be where we are today :)

nitdacee: The attic studio. Photography by imaginebytyler I...


The attic studio. Photography by imaginebytyler

I don't have time to do shoots anymore, so ill just reblog old pics ;D aahha

nitdacee: Forgot I already posted that other one here so here's...


Forgot I already posted that other one here so here's the solo if this one :)

I have a bunch of prints and posters for sale, message me if you wanna order! :)

The only reason why @liewww is my bff :) jk! But her families...

The only reason why @liewww is my bff :) jk! But her families fruits are so damn delicious and sweet! After trying her fruits, I told myself I'll never get it from the store again haha.. Come visit us off sunrise and antelope if you're craving some fruits! And you can also preorder :) #yum #fruits #summer #myfave #loveatfirsttaste

Double date night with ugly boy @jmarpresents my bff @liewww and...

Double date night with ugly boy @jmarpresents my bff @liewww and fag @jddd_boy #centurydomes #ironman3 #doubledate #friends #freeshit #fun

Anyone that knows me, knows that im so indecisive when it comes...

Anyone that knows me, knows that im so indecisive when it comes to my pics..one minute i like it then the next, i dont haha well i ended up not liking that other collage i posted cause i didnt like all the pics on it so i took some out and just used 4 instead, enjoy! :) 

Hey pimp! What's good?! Found ur tumblr. I made one about a week ago finally lol.. Gonna use it as my growing blog haha.. One question, why is everyone on ur man's dick on ur blog?! A lot of anons haha Kinda strange! Take care!

supp pimpin! well welcome to the tumblr world! haha and yeaa uhh idk, people are just weird but it doesnt really bother us we mostly just ignore all these low lives they aint nobody thats why they stay on anon! haha take care!

Another trip to Vegas with jmar and my friend Minnie,...

Another trip to Vegas with jmar and my friend Minnie, didn't get to do much this time cause we kept having such bad luck :( but enjoy!

What's your ethnicity?

full thai.

Photography by J-Mar, contact us if you need a shoot done :)

Photography by J-Mar, contact us if you need a shoot done :)


Headed back to weak #sacramento now, peace out #Vegas it was fun...

Headed back to weak #sacramento now, peace out #Vegas it was fun while it lasted :) #minivacay #vegas #sac #uglytanlines #ilivemylifehidingfromthesun #turnblackinfiveminutes #sadlife #brownpeople #teamegot

Trying to enjoy my last night in Vegas even though I lost my...

Trying to enjoy my last night in Vegas even though I lost my damn ID :((

You are so beautiful and lovely with such a fantastic smile :) <3 if u smiled at me i would hyperventilate and end up grinning like an idiot for the nxt few hours if not rest of day. and if u gave me a hug i would spazz out after u left of course XD

Aww thank you! :)

