My mind cannot even fathom what I just saw
My mind cannot even fathom what I just saw
Shia Labeouf tried to warn us!
Shia Labeouf tried to warn us!
Richard dawkins…wait for it [1:25]
Richard dawkins…wait for it [1:25]
I wouldnt mind more addicts like this
I wouldnt mind more addicts like this
Soldier covers Rihanna, kills it
Soldier covers Rihanna, kills it
What a pass!
What a pass!
If everyone laughed like ricky gervais
If everyone laughed like ricky gervais
Pro golfers try to hit gong from 200 yards
Pro golfers try to hit gong from 200 yards
All Of Nickelback's Greatest Hits Played At Once
All Of Nickelback's Greatest Hits Played At Once
Charming old man doesn't recognize a dildo
Charming old man doesn't recognize a dildo
Every single book reader's reaction to Red Wedding
Every single book reader's reaction to Red Wedding
Toronto man directs traffic after the lights go out at a large...
Toronto man directs traffic after the lights go out at a large intersection until the police show.
Hubble Ultra Deep Field: The most important image ever taken...
Hubble Ultra Deep Field: The most important image ever taken (thus far)…
Jim Jefferies trip to Iraq
Jim Jefferies trip to Iraq
Alternate Ending to last Sunday's episode of Game of...
Alternate Ending to last Sunday's episode of Game of Thrones
Samuel L. Jackson Monologue #2 from Breaking Bad
Samuel L. Jackson Monologue #2 from Breaking Bad
Canada & The United States: Bizarre Borders Part 2
Canada & The United States: Bizarre Borders Part 2
Crazy police shooting Solon, OH
Crazy police shooting Solon, OH
Lena Headey Gets A Lot Of "Game Of Thrones" Hate
Lena Headey Gets A Lot Of "Game Of Thrones" Hate
Lesbian woman answers an age old question about being butch in a...
Lesbian woman answers an age old question about being butch in a hilarious way.